Ucom and "Sunchild," a Nature and Culture Preservation NGO, Have Launched a "Green" Partnership
Today, during a joint press conference Ucom CJSC Director General Ralph Yirikian, along with “Sunchild” nature and culture conservation NGO founder Ruben Khachatryan and director Eva Martirosyan, announced the start of a series of environmental projects targeting young people. They also signed a memorandum of understanding. The partnership, carrying the slogan "Think green, act green," aims to form a continuously empowered, active community of environmentally aware and responsible young people.
"Just a few days ago, I announced that Ucom will consistently implement corporate social responsibility projects, focusing not only on technology-based initiatives, but also on promoting environmental sustainability and the green concept. The company is determined to play a vital role in building a greener future for Armenia. We need to think green to act green as well," said Ralph Yirikian, Director General of Ucom.
"Sunchild" NGO, which has been operating since 2006, is best known as the founder and organizer of the "Sunchild" international environmental festival. This year, Ucom will proudly present itself as the main supporter of the event.
"On October 13-18, the 12th international environmental festival "Arevordi" plans a particularly rich program, with one of its key components focused on initiatives aimed at young people. The series of events called "Youth Oasis" includes workshops on various environmental topics, master classes, a film program, exhibitions, and a masquerade parade," said Eva Martirosyan, director of Arevordi Nature and Culture Conservation NGO.
Within the framework of the festival, Ucom established the "Best Young Eco-journalist" award. This award serves as the logical continuation of the environmental journalism training course, which aims to provide young journalists with fundamental knowledge and skills for in-depth, multi-faceted coverage of environmental topics and journalistic investigation.
A distinctive feature of the "green" cooperation is that the Ucom team will act as a direct implementer, participating in the annual tree planting event organized by “Sunchild” NGO in the fall. Additionally, in the coming months, employees from various departments of Ucom will visit various communities benefiting from the educational programs of "Arevordi" NGO, where they will conduct professional orientation courses for local youth.